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quality training

Skilled Training for You and Your Dogs

To truly enjoy your dog, training is imperative. Basic pet and competition training are available from Patience Unlimited, LLC, to meet your needs and desires regarding your dog. I offer a sleep away camp program, traditional competition training, and even compete with your dog for you. Group and private lessons are available, and results are fast and noticeable.  If you are having trouble motivating your dog and finding that your life with him or her is out of balance, Patience Unlimited can help.I will teach you a practical, step-by-step method to train your dog, stay motivated, and find success. Small changes in your body language can make a great performance booster, and I offer Group, Semi-Private, and Private lessons.

Sleep Away Camp
Everyone wants a well-mannered pet, but few people have time to take lessons. Sleep Away Camp is my favorite program, allowing more time with the pets I train. More than 20 years ago, I felt it was important to train the family dog in the home environment. Since then, times have changed and lives are busier, hurting the relationship between dog and owner. This causes problems during the initial stages of dog training, but Sleep Away Camp allows me to spend the necessary time with the dog and makes the experience easier for the whole family.

Sleep Away Camp is an intense course where dogs learn basic commands and tasks such as walking on a leash by your side, without pulling the leash. They also learn "Sit", "Down", "Stay", and "Come". Your dog will be trained each day, and the program will work to eliminate specific unwanted behaviors. The dog will also enjoy play time and walks. Once the camp is complete, you will learn to follow through when your dog returns.


If you are looking to have an Obedience or Rally title for your dog, but don't have the time or interest to do it yourself, I can help. I will train and compete with your dog to get the titles you want.  Call or email for detailed information and references.

Group Classes Competition or Pet Training
These classes range from Beginner through Open, and Rally in AKC competition obedience. Pet Obedience covers Beginner and Advanced. Classes are one hour per week for six weeks, and cost just $150. Drop-ins $30 per class.

Private Lessons  Competition or Pet Training
These one-on-one classes make it easier for both you and your dog to focus on the training. Private lessons run from one to two hours and are $75 each.